Application Period April 21, 2016 – May 21, 2016
The Stronger Hope Baptist Church of New Orleans, Louisiana is prayerfully seeking a full-time pastor called by God who will be the spiritual leader of the congregation. The qualified candidate is responsible to God and the church to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, to teach the Bible, to provide Christian leadership in all areas of the church and to engage in pastoral care for the congregation.
Required Qualifications:
- must be a licensed and ordained minister in the Baptist Faith
- college degree from an accredited college, university and seminary training
- the husband of one wife
- effective communication skills (written and verbal)
- possess effective administration and leadership skills
- demonstrate financial awareness and responsibility
- demonstrate ability to work with a diverse congregation across all races, genders and ages
- must be committed to continuing education and development
- a teacher of the Word of God
- a visionary with sound judgment and discernment
Interested candidates should submit:
- a completed application and current resume
- copies of degrees, ordination certificate and any other certificates
- a recent color photograph
- Statement of Faith and Vision for Stronger Hope Church (1-2 pages)
Submission: Submit the completed package by Certified Mail Only to:
Stronger Hope Baptist Church C/O Pastoral Search Committee PO Box 13654
New Orleans, Louisiana 70185
Relocation and travel expenses will not be paid. All material must be postmarked by May 21, 2016
Filed under: Vacant Pulpits