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The Second Missionary Baptist Church was founded and organized in 1887 making it one of the oldest congregations in the city of Kokomo, IN. The membership consists of approximately 273 active members. With the retirement (after 32 years) of our recent Pastor, Rev. Dr. Robert A. Lee, the Pulpit Search Committee is seeking the mind and will of God as we continue our inheritance. Second Missionary Baptist Church has been a beacon of light in the Kokomo Community for 126 years. Our new pastor must be responsible for the biblical and spiritual obligations unto God as outlined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. Therefore, a candidate must be a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14). Second Missionary Baptist Church seeks a visionary with strong leadership skills who will preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, teach sound Baptist doctrine, engage in pastoral care, direct Christian growth and development, and promote missions and the Great Commission for expanding the Kingdom of God. The pastor is also responsible for the overall leadership of the day-to-day operations of the church, services, membership and the wider community through evangelism and edification. Page 2 of 10 3/1/2014
1. Candidate must have at least five years Baptist Church pastoral experience
A. Licensed and Ordained Baptist Minister
2. Earned accredited degree is required; a minimum Bachelors of Theology/Divinity Degree and secular preferred from an accredited institution
3. Must have a clear understanding of Baptist Church Doctrine
A. Provide a balanced overview of the whole counsel of God
B. Deal with Doctrinal issues that may need particular attention
C. Apply biblical principles to moral, ethical and political issues
D. Ensure that encouragement, reproof and correction are in balance
E. Conduct baptisms and oversee membership
F. Give opportunity for people to respond to gospel message/accept Christ
G. Administer/conduct the Lord’s Supper
4. Love and Ability to Preach and Teach God’s Word
A. The ability to prepare and deliver biblically sound, inspirational and spirit filled sermons
B. The ability to provide biblical based teaching
C. Preach Sunday Worship Services (8:00am and 11:00am) and Mid-Week Service
D. Teach Bible study
E. Strong supporter of the Ministry of Christian Education
5. Strong in Evangelism
A. Disciple, equip and teach the congregation to train believers in the basics of the Christian life so that they may be assimilated into the congregation, grow and reproduce in order to impact their homes, church and community
B. Disciple new believers
C. Provide leadership development opportunities
D. Equip congregation to disciple others
E. Train, organize and lead members to do visitation of and witnessing to unsaved persons
F. Set example in cultivating unsaved persons
G. Lead church in planning regular outreach/revival emphasis
H. Provide advice and supportive resources to the wider community
I. Minister and visitation to ill and bereaved members
6. Love for God and People
A. Must be a born again baptized believer in Jesus Christ
B. Lead members to trust and love God so that they desire to serve Him
C. Lead the members to love one another and their neighbors
D. Encourage stewardship, missions support and tithing
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7. Be Innovative to Move Forward
A. Establish a vision and develop a strategic plan for the church
B. Create an outreach vision that is both Local and Foreign Mission oriented
C. Develop and implement a strategic plan for healthy church growth, membership growth, financial growth and facility growth
8. Strong Knowledge of the Bible
A. Skilled in biblical teaching
9. Demonstrated Community Involvement
A. Lead the congregation in planning, conducting and evaluating its local, national and worldwide missions
B. Willing to support and participate in Local, State and National Conventions and Congresses
C. Maintain contact with all church supported missions
10. Diversity Minded
A. Develop a long range plan for Pulpit Ministry, disciplining and equipping, and community outreach
B. Have a vision for growing church membership that is both educated in the word of God and strong in relationship with Christ, particularly a vision, commitment and experience for increasing the numbers and spiritual development of youth, young adults and adults in the congregation
11. Able to keep confidentiality
A. Counseling troubled people and those in need
B. Spiritual counseling of church members
C. Moral integrity must be above reproach
12. Conflict Resolution
A. Ensure that prayer has a prominent place both in the church and personal lives
B. Work with the Deacons in maintaining a spiritually healthy church
C. Lead church to develop policies that would help members participate in an orderly and deliberate manner
13. Demonstrated Spirit of Unity
A. Oversee worship service in collaboration with the Music Ministry
B. Consistently connect with deacons, minsters, colleagues and resource persons
C. Provide leadership/workshop development opportunities
14. Pastor selected must reside or be willing to relocate to Kokomo, Indiana
15. Be Mission Minded
A. Leading the congregation in planning, conducting and evaluating its Local, State, National and Worldwide Missions
B. Actively support Domestic and Foreign Missions
C. Offer advice on use of mission and benevolence funds
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The successful candidate must possess at a minimum the following personal qualities and skills:
Leadership skills
Excellent speaker
Teaching skills
Dedicated and driven
Preaching style that provides practical and clear application where the scriptural text provides the meaning
Mission Minded
How to Apply:
All interested and qualified persons must submit an initial candidate package consisting of the following documentation:
Completed Second Missionary Baptist Church job application (included)
Current resume
Cover letter
Copy of ministerial license and ordination certificate
Copy of degree(s)
Four recommendation letters – clergy, professional, personal (at least 2 from clergy)
Provide current photo of yourself
Provide DVD/CD of recent sermon
All information submitted will be treated confidential. Additional information may be requested and/or required.
Send application and documents to:
Second Missionary Baptist Church
Attn: Pastoral Search Committee
PO Box 739
Kokomo, IN 46903-0739
or email application and documents to: Page 5 of 10 3/1/2014
PERSONAL INFORMATION DATE: _____________________________
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Present address: _________________________________________________________________________
How long: ____________________________ Birth Date: ___________________________________
Telephone: Home ( ) Business ( ) Cell ( ) _____
Email address: Personal website address (if available): __________________
lf hired, can you present proof of your legal right to live and work in this country? YES NO N/A
Number of years lived in the U.S. ____________
Marital Status: Married Separated Divorced Widowed Single
lf Married, Name of Spouse:_________________________________________________________________
ls this your first Spouse? YES NO
Names and Ages of Children:
Are you ordained: YES NO Date and Place of Ordination: ___________________________________
Denomination: ___________________________________________________________________________
Are you interested in relocating to Kokomo if you are selected? YES NO EDUCATION BACKGROUND |
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Vacant Churches